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How can your business benefit from Application Bridging and Application Data Migration automation? 

Gone are the days when business automation was exclusive to large organisations and tech corporations.

Automation has now become the new norm among all types and sizes of businesses across all different industries. In fact, automation is being used to transform even the most basic tasks such as data entry, consolidation of information and helpdesk support.

But aside from streamlining manual processes to achieve internal efficiencies and boost overall productivity, what makes automation so valuable is how it serves as a reliable stepping stone towards digital transformation.

‘Application bridging’ and ‘application migration’ are just two types of automation that can enable your team to extract or update data between non-connected software and systems, to unlock the full potential of your platforms and technologies.

  • But what are they?
  • How are they different?
  • How can you take advantage of application bridging and application migration to make your business more efficient with automation?

Let’s find out.

What is application bridging automation?

Application bridging is the use of automation software to automate routine tasks that connect two separate platforms so they can share information without the need for manual, tedious and time-consuming human labour.

With application bridging, all of your platforms can pass data between each other without human intervention, eliminating manual data entry errors.

For more information on application bridging, see our article: How does automation streamline Application Bridging?

What is an example of application bridging automation?

Consider a hotel. At the check-in desk, the staff would have reception software, rostering software, a housekeeping platform, key registrations and more.

Usually, the staff would have to update them all manually when every guest checks in as the applications do not talk with each other. However, with application bridging automation, they can check in the guest on one platform and the data from that one platform is extracted and uploaded to the other platforms via an automation robot.

Why does a business need application bridging automation?

It’s normal for organisations today to use online tools for marketing, CRM platforms for sales and customer service, and accounting software for your bookkeeping. There can also be separate platforms for payroll and analytics and reporting.

The problem with this kind of setup, however, is that you end up with multiple systems that are powerful in their own ways but aren’t integrated and working seamlessly together.

Fortunately, you can solve this disconnect with application bridging.

Without application bridging, it’s incredibly challenging to upload data on multiple platforms simultaneously. Accessing one system from another isn’t easy and can lead to frustrations, and errors.

And so, what ends up happening is that you are forced to:

  • change software
  • build one that is semi-suitable with your other platforms
  • link your applications with expensive and time-consuming APIs
  • transfer data manually – something that you want to avoid doing.

What are the benefits of application bridging?

Application bridging connects your systems, platforms and technologies together so that they can communicate and share data. Application bridging brings data standardisation across disparate platforms, enhances customer and operational effectiveness and efficiencies, improves customer satisfaction levels and reduces response times and costs.

Whether you run a finance company, a hotel business or a clinic, application bridging ensures you have well-coordinated systems to conveniently leverage data and navigate tasks.

At CiGen, we can help set up automated processes and systems to drive more speed, accuracy and profitability to your business.

What is application data migration?

Application data migration refers to the process of extracting data from one application, cleansing and re-configuring that data to fit with a new or upgraded application. platform to a new or  between two computing environments. This may involve movement from older ERP platform to new ERP platform or extracting data to upload to another platform as companies merge following a takeover.

The power of automation ensures that you’re migrating application data, configurations and settings efficiently while minimising disruptions, errors and costs.

Our team at CiGen take application migration to the next level by also facilitating data cleansing too.

For more information on application migration, see our article: How does automation streamline Application Migration?

What is an example of application data migration automation?

Consider the hotel again. If the hotel is using one piece of software that houses thousands of guest records and bookings, and they decide that another software platform is better, they need to find a way to transfer everything across accurately and in a way that fits the new platform.

The issue is that doing this can be very manual, tedious and can lead to a lot of accidental errors.

However, with application data migration automation, the hotel can set it up so that automation robots can transfer everything over accurately, fast and reliably.

What are the benefits of application data migration?

It doesn’t matter if you’re moving to HubSpot from Salesforce or vice versa, shifting from NetSuite to a custom-built platform or just modernising applications – application migration can automate, expedite and make the data transfer process accurate and fast.

Effective application data migration ensures that all of your data is up-to-date, formatted accordingly and uploaded where it needs to go. It can detect errors and can correct or hold out inconsistencies, so you can ensure that your information is translated and formatted properly when being transferred to another application.

Application data migration is beneficial to businesses that make use of customer data in their daily operations such as banks, hospitals and retail establishments. Through application data migration, they can efficiently scale applications up or down as needed with reduced downtime, costs and human errors.

At CiGen, some of our finance and banking clients can attest to this as we have reduced the costs substantially and allowed them to meet required their timelines to migrate from older platforms to newer platforms.

Harness the true power of business automation with CiGen

Application bridging and application data migration enable you to take advantage of automation solutions to get the most out of your digital platforms, systems and technologies.

If they are something you want to invest in, our automation specialist team is at your service to guide you throughout the automation journey. As subject matter experts, we partner with businesses like yours to help you achieve the full benefits of digital automation.

Our ultimate goal is to energise organisations and assist them to solve operation process issues over a short time scale and improve performance, without the need of high dollar price tags.

Our team of intelligent automation specialists are here to ensure you reap all of the rewards of business automation, while we address all of the potential risks.

Contact us today to book a no-obligation call. Let’s discuss your needs and take action through automation!




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